Vivien Franck

Vivien Franck is an urban ecologist who focuses on urban agriculture, sustainable urban planning and science communication. At the SHARECITY project, Vivien worked from 2018-2020 on the future of urban food governance and assessing the sustainability impact of food sharing.

Vivien was awarded a M.Sc in Urban Ecosystem Sciences from Technical University Berlin and an B.Sc in Biology from Freie Universitaet Berlin. Before Vivien joined SHARECITY, she has worked in interdisciplinary projects in urban food and water research including the ROOF WATER-FARM project (2013-2017) in Berlin.

Vivien finished in her role with SHARECITY in January 2020 to start a new role as Project Manager in the joint research project GartenLeistungen in Berlin, Germany. She can be contacted at and on LinkedIn.

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