Fairer Futuring? Visualization & engagement

Published by SHARECITY on the 30th November 2021.

Presented by:

Prof. Anna Davies and Dr. Louise Fitzgerald

at the Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge Action Network (online)

29th September, 2021


We will introduce our motivations behind the development and visualisation of alternative future scenarios for urban food sharing derived from SHARECITY research. This is driven by 1) a desire to destabilize the view that futuring is an elite activity, led by industrialists or technologists rather than everyday citizens, and 2) a desire to explore novel means for engaging differently with policy makers -who play a key role in shaping food sharing practices -about the challenges and opportunities for sustainable food sharing. We will outline the pilot study we conducted in May with Transition year students in Dublin and set out our plan for wider engagement with young people and policy makers.

Please cite as: Davies, A.R. & Fitzgerald, L (2021) Fairer Futuring? Visualization & engagement, Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge Action Network, Future, Earth, 29th September, 2021

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