Louise Fitzgerald

Dr Louise Fitzgerald is a political scientist with a particular interest in the societal dimension of sustainability transitions. Her research focuses on how to develop policies for just sustainable transitions. Her work especially focuses on the importance of inclusive policy design for fairer, more accepted, and successful climate policy.

She has spent over 7 years working, researching and being active on environmental issues. She was awarded a PhD from the School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe) at University College Dublin, which received funding from the Irish Research Council and the SPIRe Iseult Honohan PhD Scholarship.

From her environmental justice campaigning, she became increasingly aware of food issues as being central to sustainable futures. Having lived in city environments all her life, and having little experience in food growing, she has spent the last 4 years becoming increasingly involved in food growing and food politics. She passionately believes that food sharing is essential to build fairer, more connected and more resilient societies.

Louise is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at SHARECITY working on the governance of food sharing futures. Within her role at SHARECITY she contributes her research insights from political science and broader experiences to help develop future scenarios for food sharing and manifestos for sustainable food sharing, to collate and communicate SHARECITY’s research for policy making inputs.

Twitter: @LouiseMichelleF
Email: LFITZGE1@tcd.ie

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