Vanessa Lucy

Vanessa Lucy is an urban ecologist and zoologist from Melbourne, Australia, who has worked across research, government, and natural resource management. Vanessa undertook a Masters of Environment (ecology) and Bachelor of Science (zoology) at the University of Melbourne with her Masters research focusing on the impacts of urbanisation on amphibians in the Greater Melbourne Region in Australia under the supervision of A/Prof. Kirsten Parris at the School of Forest and Ecosystem Science.

Before moving to Ireland, Vanessa was working in the Urban Forest and Ecology Team at the City of Melbourne where she was working to enhance urban nature and to connect citizens with nature through the Nature in the City Strategy and sustainability programs. Vanessa adores the ocean and the great outdoors, hailing from a coastal town in Australia, which has formed her passion for environmentalism and making our global cities more liveable and sustainable. Vanessa is interested on working on the disconnect of knowledge between research and land management practitioners having been involved in both industries.

Vanessa was the lead Research Assistant and Research Project Manager with the SHARECITY project at Trinity College Dublin from February 2020 – January 2021. In her time with SHARECITY, Vanessa worked on the research operations of the SHARECITY project, managing the project’s website, budgets, social media accounts, and assisting with planning large scale international conferences and networking opportunities.

You can connect with Vanessa Lucy on Twitter (@VanessaLucy_) or LinkedIn (

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