Collaborative Workshops

SHARECITY has held a number of exciting collaborative workshops since 2016:


Collaborative Workshop 3: SHARING FUTURES workshop

In September 2019, SHARECITY hosted a SHARING FUTURES workshop that brought together 30 expert food practitioners, thought leaders, and policy shapers at the Talent Garden in Dublin. The aim of the workshop was to work together to identify solutions to pressing policy challenges for food sharing initiatives.

The workshop participants, made up of academics, policy shapers, and food sharing practitioners from SHARECITY’s model cities, worked in groups according to their food sharing expertise for a series of workshop exercises. The three sectors of food sharing were:

  • Growing
  • Cooking and Eating
  • Redistributing

On Day 1, the participants investigated these key questions:

  1. Looking at the identified challenges to date, are there any policy challenges missing from SHARECITY’s list?
  2. Given your everyday experience with food sharing activities, what are the most significant policy challenges?

Day 2 focused on pinpointing known (Session 2) and developing novel responses (Session 3) to the identified policy challenges.

The discussion in Session 2 concentrated on these questions:

  1. Which known responses have been developed in relation to some of the policy challenges?
  2. How could these responses be replicated elsewhere?

In Session 3, the workshop participants focused on developing new responses to tackle the more wicked policy challenges for which no know responses were identified previously.

Following the novel responses exercise, the workshop participants established next steps for academics, policy shapers and practitioners and identified what needs to be achieved to overcome the identified policy challenges and to help transform the urban food system onto a more sustainable pathway.

At the end of the SHARING FUTURES workshop, the participants and the SHARECITY team joined on a field trip to the Rediscovery Centre and the Muck and Magic community garden in Ballymun, Dublin.

We were able to gather many inspiring ideas in the two-day workshop! The main outcomes are detailed in the Facilitators’ Summary, so please take a look!

Read more about the SHARING FUTURES workshop in the related blog post here!



Collaborative Workshop 2: SHARECITY Sharing Cafés

In September and October the SHARECITY team ran two international co-design workshops inspired by the world café participatory mechanism. The first of these took place in Trinity College in Dublin, and the second at the European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) on the beautiful island of Skiathos in Greece. With participants hailing from around the world the workshops brought together people from different backgrounds and with different experiences to talk about their encounters with food sharing, to brainstorm around the ways in which we might be able to identify the impacts of food sharing, and to think through what supports might be needed to help food sharing work towards sustainability.

To learn more about the workshop, you can read our related blog post!

Collaborative Workshop 1: Krautsourcing Ideas for Food Sharing in Singapore

Together with Fermentation GutHub and Foodscape Collective, we organized a workshop on food sharing in the HackerspaceSG. The idea of the workshop came about in conversations about food sharing in the context of smart city with designer and NUS researcher Marketa Dolejsova. Focusing specifically on food as a medium and sharing as a collaborative urban practice we addressed the questions :

  • What kind of food and related knowledge resources have people traditionally shared and how is this changing in the smart city context?
  • Which food sharing technologies are out there, who is using them and for what ends?
  • What policies, initiatives and ways of collaborating shape food sharing in smart cities?
  • What are the social, economic and environmental impacts of smart food sharing?

You can find out more about this outcomes in the blog post Krautsourcing Ideas for Food Sharing in Singapore.



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